Fort of Santa Cruz

If you are coming to Oran, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Fort of Santa Cruz which dates back to 1577, a Spanish and Ottoman era, overlooking the bay of Oran with a breathtaking view!


The Fort remains one of the most visited sites of Oran; it was erected on the crest of the Murdjadjo mountain by the Spaniards between 1577 and 1604; for a strategic location and a view on the whole city of Oran; intended to house the soldiers and protect the city from attacks.

Santa Cruz

Some say that the famous Algerian dish Garantita (Karantika) was created at the Fort Santa Cruz, when the soldiers had no food to eat, the dish was made with old bread and chickpeas.

While going up towards the fort, you’ll perceive on your left the chapel Our Lady of Santa-Cruz with the statue of the virgin which dominates on the city of Oran (Named virgin of Oranie);

La chapelle Santa-Cruz entièrement rénovée

The access is by car or by cable car which has just been reopened.

You can plan a small picnic at the top of the mountain to finish this visit well.

See also

Palais du Bey

Tipaza, city of history and hidden treasures

Mediterranean olive oil