Digital marketing is the most effective, but above all the least expensive, way to strengthen the promotion, increase visibility but also makes consumers faithful to the company and help them become a community on the Web.
Let’s now turn to the most important question : How to practice digital marketing?

In the digital and information technology era, several professions have undergone considerable changes in practices and methods.
Perhaps the most striking example is that of digital communication and marketing.
The latter occupies a crucial place in all companies, regardless of its size or sector.
Being present on the Web is now more than necessary to conduct an effective communication campaign, but above all to increase the company’s visibility.
This is where digital marketing takes place and operates.

It is a new branch field that brings together both traditional marketing and digitization techniques.
The digital dimension applied to the field of marketing has given rise to new concepts such as Community management and reputation management.
So it is impossible to do without it when we know that almost the majority of consumers are connected to the different digital platforms, which offer much cheaper ad spaces than those of traditional outlets such as tv and newspapers. This point is very advantageous for SMEs, especially financially speaking.
As a result, is the most effective, but above all the least expensive, way to strengthen the promotion, increase visibility but also makes consumers faithful to the company and help them become a community on the Web.
How to practice digital marketing?
To answer this, simply mention the main tools used for this purpose, including Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
SEO search engine optimization and SEA search engine advertising
The first is free referencing, which is based on the definition of keywords and the introduction of internal and external links.
As for the second, namely the SEA, it is a paid referencing.

This method is also applied on social media and it’s called SMO (Social Media Optimization).

In addition, other tools exist, such as
- Affiliation (when a brand offers its products on another brand’s website),
- Display advertising (space purchase)
- Partnerships
- Contests
- Opinion polls
Hence the importance of registering for short courses or taking online courses to master the multiple methods.

In terms of digital marketing bibliographical references
Some internationally renowned books can greatly help learn this new practice.
Perhaps the most famous is MERCATOR, the 13th edition addresses marketing in the data and digital age.
Other books are more exhaustive, such as Marketing Communications: Integrating Online and Offline, Customer Engagement and Digital Technologies; Book by Ze Zook.