Oran Regional Theatre: a cultural jewel

Oran Regional Theatre stands proudly in the heart of Oran region, an architectural jewel dedicated to art and culture.

A living symbol of artistic excellence, where the refinement of shapes and colors blends with the emotion of the most profound expressions. Located in the Algerian city of Oran, it is considered one of the region’s leading cultural centers.

Right in the heart of Oran, on the famous Place of November 1st 1954, stands the Oran Regional Theatre. Its location and breathtaking architecture make it a real asset to the city.

Created in the early 20ᵉ century by the Iberian architect “INEZ”; Adorned in a highly refined Baroque style, evoking the elegance and splendor of Italian Renaissance opera houses.

In 1907 it opened its doors under the name of “l’Opéra d’Oran”. It was a meeting place for local and international artists, as well as a training ground for young talent.

After national independence in 1963, the Opera was renamed in the same way as all the other theaters in the country.

Firstly renamed as National theatre of Algerian west, then Oran Regional Theatre “Abdelkader Alloula” in 1972, in memory of the famous Algerian actor and playwright from Oran. Since then, the Oran Regional Theatre has remained an inexhaustible driving force for artistic creation in Algeria.

Abdelkader Alloula

Abdelkader Alloula was a celebrated Algerian playwright, director and actor who was born in Ghazaouet in 1939 and died in Oran in 1994.

He left an indelible mark on the Algerian and Arab theatrical scene by producing committed plays, his ultimate goal being to develop theater as a tool for expression and dialogue.

His most famous works include “Hammam Rabi” (The Bath of God) and “El Khobza El Meknouba” (The Cut Bread), which were warmly received by audiences and critics alike. He has also adapted classic plays by Molière, Bertolt Brecht and Shakespeare, much to the delight of his audiences.

“I write and work for those who work and create manually and intellectually in this country, For those who often make, write and invent in secret.”

Abdelkader Alloula

An ode to art

The building stands out, adorned with frescoes and sculptures that bear witness to the artistic skills of the Algerian, French and Spanish craftsmen who worked on its construction.

The main entrance is surmounted by a large wall engraved with the theater’s name in majestic letters.

On the second floor, the staircases are bathed in orange light thanks to three stained-glass domes overhanging the main steps, giving access to the dressing rooms, the first balcony and the heart of the theater.

In the main auditorium, spectators can settle comfortably into rows of red velvet seats, seating just over 600 people.

The back of the theater includes the stage and backstage areas, and at the far rear are the dressing rooms, sound and costume rooms, spread across the four floors that make up this immense building.

Since 1968, the Regional Theatre Abdelkader-Alloula has become Oran’s cultural powerhouse, producing some 70 plays. Its mission is to disseminate the arts in the region, making it the main driving force behind cultural activity in Oran.

It welcomes spectators of all ages every day of the week, offering a variety of theatrical performances : musical evenings, stand-up comedy, ballet and choreography. Something for every taste.

The Oran Regional Theatre is an ode to art in all its forms. It’s a place where artists, music lovers and cultural enthusiasts can meet and share in a place where creativity flourishes and souls are nourished by the finest emotions, in a setting where beauty reigns supreme.

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